Wednesday, May 8, 2013

East Germany Doping Scandal

There have been many cases of doping scandals in the world of sports.  More and more athletes are getting caught or simply coming forward confessing of using illegal performing enhancing drugs.  One of the biggest doping scandals in history was the East Germany doping scandal that went on from the late 1960’s to 1980’s.  This started when the Berlin wall was built to divide Germany from east and west.  East Germany wanted to increase their athletic reputation. The state began to carry out a plan to get the best athletes for the Olympics and bring home the gold. 
            The state recruited more than ten thousand German athletes.  Most of these athletes were from ages thirteen to sixteen years old.  In the documentary, The Great Olympic Drug Scandal, one of the former Olympic medalist says that they were treated like real stars but unfortunately they had no idea about the plan they were about to execute. 
            This program was officially called State Plan 14.25(   The officials, coaches, and doctors that were part of this program were to produce gold medalist by feeding their athletes performing-enhancing drugs.  The athletes were fed these drugs with or without their consent.  Many of the athletes were young girls who had not even reached puberty.  These girls were fed testosterone, which helped them with muscle building, made them stronger, and have more endurance.  They also gave the athletes anabolic steroids, which have similar effects as testosterone in the body.  These drugs had more impact on woman than on men, so the girls were the first ones to start seeing changes in their bodies as a result.  Katharina Bullin, an Olympic medalist says that they were given different vitamins and supplements after their intense training, which included the drugs.  These were administered with the vitamins so the athletes would not suspect that they were being drugged.  The coaches would tell their athletes to speak up for any physical problem.  The coaches wanted to be seem trustworthy but in reality they wanted to be aware of any side effect that would affect an athlete in winning in the Olympics. These drugs guaranteed gold medals, so the coaches were so desperate that even gave their top athletes double dosage of testosterone. 
As steroids started to get more popular all around the world, the program became more intense.  They increased their dosages and furthered their research to get the best results from the steroids.  At the Olympics, East Germany’s athletes were the top in every sport.  Unfortunately, with all the medals came the side effects of the drugs.  The girls started to see changes in their bodies.   They started to grow excessive facial and body hair.  They started to gain weight and became aggressive. Their voice began deepened and were not allowed to speak to the media so no suspicions would arise.  A former athlete claims that her hands became bigger as well as her nose.  A lot of these changes were reported to the doctors, but they were not allowed to tell the athletes the reason for their body change.  Some of the girls started to question the changes and the “supplements” they were being fed. Many of the athletes that kept asking questions became dishonorably discharged and stripped from their medals.
Dr. Rainer Hartwich, who is an expert on steroids, suspected there were drugs involved due to the sudden winnings and big number of top athletes that all happened to be from East Germany.  It wasn’t until after the Berlin wall was removed ending communism that the systematic doping came to an end.  Soon after, the entire plan came to light.  Sadly it was too late, the damage was done and the athletes were severely damaged.  There was a wide range of side effects from depression and eating disorder to damage of vital organs such as the heart, liver, and womb.  Many of these athletes had premature death.  Many of the women claim to have miscarriages and even cancer that was triggered by the steroids.   On the documentary, two of the athletes that tell their story claimed that they were affected for life due to the steroid abuse.  One of the former athletes, Heidi Krieger, claims that her body changed drastically because of the testosterone that she felt she could no longer live in a woman’s body.  A couple of years later had a sex change and now is Andreas Krieger.  Another former athlete, Katharina Bullin, says that she stopped wearing feminine clothes because she was publicly humiliated and confused for a man all the time.  Her body and face features became similar to a man’s.  Due to the large muscles, her bone structure on her legs got so distorted that she’s still not able to walk right. 

Out of all the people that were directly involved in the program only seventeen people were convicted for illegal doping.  These included doctors and coaches.  Only a small number of these people served time and the rest were simply fined after damaging the lives and health of more than ten thousand young athletes.  

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