Thursday, May 2, 2013

Are Steroids Worth the consequences?


In the last 20 years we have seen a great number of famous athletes that have been accused or convicted of using illegal performance enhancing drugs while participating in sports. Before 1991 it was legal for athletes to us performance enhancing drugs, because these drugs were not popular and the harmful side effects from them were not discovered yet. Since 1991, these drugs have been illegal to purchase or possess under federal law and were banned in sports within a few years of the law change. After many allegations during the 1988 Olympics about steroid use, the government decided to outlaw the drugs and other sport organizations followed.  Many of us can remember in the mid-nineties when many athletes in the MLB were accused or caught using performance enhancing drugs. According to ESPN, the following MLB players have been linked to the use of performance enhancing drugs in the late 90’s seasons: Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Mark McGwire, Manny Ramirez, Rafael Palmeiro and Gary Sheffield. All of these players have accomplished something great for the game of baseball and many people were discussed to find out their childhood heroes were actually drug abusers. On top of that they were all breaking the law as well. During the great “Home Run” race of the 90s, these players had attracted so many young players that looked up to them as some of the game’s best athletes.  I wouldn’t want my children to inspire to be like someone who breaks the law and uses illegal drugs. The pressures to compete along with other factors, burden these professional athletes to the point that they turn to illegal substances for assistance. A perfect example of this would be Lance Armstrong. Lance was considered to be the best bicyclist in the entire world after he won 7 tour de France titles for cycling. As many of us have heard in the last year, Armstrong admitted to using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs during his participation in the Tour de France races. He had also encouraged all his teammates to use the drugs as well. He was stripped of his 7 titles and he was forced to surrender his famous Livstrong charity. This story is extremely unique because Armstrong became a hero to so many people who have struggled with similar health and athletic barriers. What makes Lance Armstrong’s story so different is the fact that he was able to beat cancer and prove that he was able to succeed no matter what obstacles needed to be overcome. His courageous story along with his unbelievable cycling accomplishments makes him a perfect role model for all athletes, in any sport. The thing that was so upsetting is that Lance disappointed thousands of fans and young athletes who looked up to him and he made people re-think about all the positive encouragement that he generated during his career. Armstrong always stressed that no matter what happens, if you keep on working toward something you can achieve it. To find out that he “cheated” or was “dishonest” the entire time is like a slap in the face. Many people were upset and disappointed to hear Armstrong admit to using drugs during all his Tour de France victories. The question that everyone has for these athletes is “Why?” What is the reasoning behind their actions? Does the outcome from using the drugs outweigh the impact it has on the sport and young fans? These drugs can help the athletes perform better and help them build their reputation but when it is exposed then it can totally destroy everything they have worked to accomplish. Like Armstrong, who lost all his Tour de France titles, his reputation, and his Livestong charity, that he worked so hard to build. So the big question is; Is using steroids worth all of the consequences for athletes?   

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