Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Say No To Drugs! Well Maybe Just This Once

Drugs in sports has always been a hotly contested issue and is not exclusive to any sport.  Whether it's baseball, football, the Olympics, even the more recent sport of cycling, drugs have become a natural part of the sport of sports.  According to, "Though science has made significant leaps forward in its ability to catch drug cheats, antidoping efforts are only as successful as the programs that enforce them. And if there is a lesson from the past decade, it is that from cycling to baseball, it takes a serious scandal and a threat to the very integrity of a sport to get officials to crack down." (  What this means is that even if there are sophisticated and easy ways of finding drugs in sports, the effort to actually find them is lacking.  Furthermore, it takes a great deal of pressure on the sport in particular to get officials talking!  We see it in all the major stars of our lifetime (Sammy Sosa, Hulk Hogan, Lance Armstrong, hell even Arnold Schwarzeneggar) and almost have become desensitized to the fact that drugs do exist in the world of sports.  It takes a great deal of media attention to even think about an effort to stop drugs in sports, why is that?

Now drugs has always been taught as a bad thing to do as a child, but what if it wasn't?  What if drugs were actually the reason why sports are as exciting and as dynamic as they are now?  The thought of drugs being intrinsic with sports may be a hard pill to swallow (no pun intended) but the fact of the matter is that there is no such thing as a "clean" sport.  Not everyone is a born superstar athlete so there are those who take the liberty to give themselves that extra push in order to reach that pinnacle.  Is that a wrong choice?  If you were given a chance to enhance your performance in any aspect of your life, wouldn't you take it?  So why is it a crime when used in a professional sport?  A website that I found ( actually lists the pros and cons of using drugs in a professional sport.  Each question categorized and linked, the answers by professionals, sports enthusiasts, and sports fanatics alike are listed and are able to be up for debate.  After reading through a few answers, I realize that the opinion of drugs in sports is actually not as one sided as I had previously believed; people actually think drugs are a necessity! Whether your opinion on drugs in sports is positive or negative, drugs will always be a staple in any sport.  The question is, what side are you on?

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