Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Drugs and Sports

Drugs are illegal!!! Especially if you are a part of an institution like sports that consistently reiterate how the use of drugs will result in termination. So when does it start? When do kids start to see drug usage as appealing? Most people say it depends on the neighborhood children are raised in or the type of parenting they receive.

Student athletes in college have it pretty easy. They get to continue their childhood hobby and favorite past time as a young adult, get their expensive college tuition paid for and receive a monthly stipend. So why would anyone think to jeopardize that. Well, unfortunately the use of any substance while under a college contract is known for immediate termination also known as being kicked off the team. Most college players are tested for marijuana use. Alcohol consumption is not as frowned upon as marijuana, cocaine or steroids. My main problem with college sports programs is that they do not randomly test their athletes enough. Coaches warn their players on Friday about random drug testing that will take place the following Monday. So how efficient are these test? This warning and time frame allows for players to do whatever they need to in order to get clean of any substance. Regardless how consistently they do cocaine, marijuana or steroids there are some slightly efficient ways to flush them out of your system. Are colleges that concerned with having good sports programs to where they do not enforce their drug policy in regards to random drug testing the best way they can? I think they are afraid. What happens when the star player is randomly drug tested (without warning) and test positive for marijuana? That player must be kicked off the team and then there goes their season. I think college coaches are more concerned with their record rather than the drug free health of their players.

In class we watched a couple YouTube videos starring Lance Armstrong. The commercials we watched were Nike commercials and they targeted Lance’s ability to not allow his cancer and surgery to impact him in a negative way. Lance did not let his illness deter him of his dreams and he continued to be an award winning bicyclist. People could not believe how soon Lance returned to conditioning nor his drive and dedication and eventually started accusing him of consuming drugs. Saying things like, “there’s no way he could have had cancer and still performing at the level he is”. Lance continuously denied the accusations. Rather it is in person, on an interview or subliminally through a commercial. Lance Armstrong claimed to have not used drugs. Then one day his story changed, this caused a lot of drama. The fact he did consume drugs cost him a number of record breaking medals. Another professional athlete, Aaron Rodriguez, who played for the New York Yankees also ended up admitting to steroid usage. Drugs and sports are frowned upon no matter what level you play at. Rather it is in AAU, NCAA or professionally. Drug usage is not ok while playing a sport.

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